Aspirazione polvere verniciatura

Case History

Fil d'Ariane

Aspirazione polvere verniciatura - Descrizione


The industrial painting sector is subject to numerous safety regulations due to toxic fumes and risk factors intrinsic to the activity carried out.
The main risk factor is the presence in large quantities of fine dust and for this reason it is necessary to rely on industrial vacuum cleaners for dust with maximum filtration capacity and with maximum suction efficiency.

In most cases the working environment in the presence of this type of processing is classified ATEX and Coynco is able to supply numerous models following the customer's needs and the latest directives of Atex certification.

Coynco provides specific model for every needs and that can vary in terms of motorization, filter cleaning systems that can be semi-automatic or ICLEAN automatic or dust collection systems that can be common steel drums or the LONGOPAC® continuous bag system , which ensures, at the time of disposal, the most effective method for sealing and disposing of the aspirated dust.

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